
Daniel is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Gospel of the eternal kingdom of God is set forth most fully in the OT in Daniel. More than a combination of miraculous stories and fantastic visions, it presents the coming Messiah and his establishment of the church. This commentary shows that Daniel is not for millennial speculation, but a book about Christ, the salvation he accomplished by his cross, and the glorious resurrection that...

The fourth beast is different and not readily comparable to any natural animal. While Daniel 2 portrays the splendor of the four human empires (especially the first), Daniel 7 does not glorify the four kingdoms, but instead portrays them as beastly, fearsome, and destructive. Moreover, this chapter devotes much more detail to the establishment of God’s kingdom through the person of God and his personal Messiah. It portrays both “the Ancient of Days” (7:9, 13, 22), God the Father, and “one like a
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